The dance season and group dance classes has started in Lisbon, Portugal.
Inscriptions are still open. More information
is probably the oldest style of Argentine Tango. It was present by 1930. Some
characteristics of this style are:
Orillero is one of the older styles as well. It originates on the streets of low income neighborhoods. This style was not accepted in Tango saloons of the time. Due to the complex steps, Orillero was performed in closed and barely open posture. It was not performed in the line of dance. Music of Juan D`Arienz and Rodolfo Biagio was ideal for this style.
Milonguero style is characterized by ‘apilado’ posture. In this posture, upper body is in constant contact, balance is shared, posture does not change no matter ‘ocho’ or ‘giro’ posture is performed. One of many orchestras that play music suitable for Milonguero is Carlos Di Sarlia’s orchestra. Typical Milonguero’s figure is `ocho cortado`.
Salon or Tango Salon is characterized by:
Nuevo Tango characterizes:
Fantasia (Show Tango) is a scene Tango. It is performed in the open posture with strong movements, and very often includes elements of other dances or Tango styles.
Few words about styles:
Also, there are some specific tango styles born in barrios of Buenos Aires,
which are well known between Buenos Aires milongueros and always subject of
polemic and discussion. Some examples of these very particular tango styles
are: the Urquiza tango style, the Almagro tango style, the Naveira tango style,
and the Todaro tango style. These styles are normally named after a
neighborhood (like the Villa Urquiza tango style), a club or a teacher (like
the Naveira and the Todaro tango styles).
Every style is unique and as such finds its place in the history of Argentine
Tango. Nowadays, every of the styles can be performed in closed posture
especially milonguero style. Exception to this rule is Show Tango, which can be
performed in the open posture. Another characteristics of modern Argentine
Tango is improvisation which pretty much applies to all styles.